Spending a lot of time at home can cause some serious restlessness. Looking at a lot of your unfinished projects and feeling like you want to dive headfirst into smashing out those walls, or ripping up the floor. Let me tell you: now is NOT the time to do that.

We are big advocates for a thought out plan (like this bathroom plan, or this kitchen plan, or even this nursery plan)  BEFORE you start swinging hammers. This ensures you are not only keeping the focus on the true needs of the project but also helps keep your budget and timeline in check. Without a plan, ALL of those things can spiral out of control and the project can quickly become overwhelming and even unachievable. 

But feeling stuck at home and wanting progress–it’s totally possible to revamp a few rooms in your house without having to leave OR spend any money at all. Yes, you heard me. To help ease some of that self-quarantine/social distancing induced restless Try these 4 tips:


1. Clear it out. Pick the room you want to tackle. It’s best to focus on one space at a time and move on from that space once it feels complete. Start with top priority space. What makes it a priority? Up to you. The space you spend the most time in. The space needs to make you feel more (relaxed, motivated, etc.). The priority is totally up to you. Now empty it of decor. You heard me. Marie Kondo that room of its decor– remove the art, accessories, and plants. Put them all in a pile outside of whatever room you are working on.  Go through the rest of your house and pull out some of your favorite things from them and add them to the pile. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you will use them in your priority space. But in order to make something feel like a true change, you have to really MIX IT UP. which leads me too:

2. Regroup it. It is easy to get set in our ways in a lot of aspects of our life. Even with decor and how our house looks. Force yourself to break that tendency and regroup items. Mix together items that you have never used together before.

3. Move it all around. Put things in your priority room that you have never put in there. This is the key to making things feel different, to breaking that ‘need for change’ feeling without spending any money.

4. Edit. Same rule as with fashion and accessories, when you think you are done take one thing away. Editing is an important tool in keeping focus and balance in design but it also helps your decor stretch further.

The goal for all of this is to move through the room space by space, in order of priority and create change in each space.

While we are all sheltering at home this is a great tool to help feel proactive and attack some of those restless feelings. BUT this is also a great exercise to use at ANY time throughout the year when you are getting tired of your decor and feeling a need for change. 

Need help getting things so they feel just right?  Let us help! We work locally with clients in Marquette, MI and virtually with clients nationwide!



Founded in 2012 by Allison Harlow, Curio Design Studio focuses on creating distinctive interior environments for new construction, whole house renovations and kitchen + bath remodels for modern families and leading professionals.

Learn more about working with Curio.

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